Our final ’round’ of meetings – Thursday, with another church new to me, pastored by a lovely guy with a huge vision – Edwin Suarez: a hospitable honouring big hearted man with a church to match – and today, Sunday, with another (new to me) church – Christian Church of Restoration pastored by Francisco Sierra, in the north of the city: with my dear dear friends Hernan and Aida Gonzalez, of the church ‘Nuevo Nacer’ in the very dangerous barrio of Simon Bolivar. Andew and I went to Francisco’s church, as he knew of me and wanted me there, Davy and Adrian went to Hernan’s church.
Thursday was a huge night of reconciliation for a family that Andrew prayed with,beginning with the grandmother, who had no reationship at all with her daughter, and had gone to court to get her grandson taken away from his mum as she was ‘incapable’ of looking after him – and won. Mum went to court to get him back, and lost. Yet, remarkably they were both in the same meeting on Thursday…Andrew suggested to gran that she began to show the daughter love: not easy – but she she did it. t was unreturned by the daughter – who then began to manifest all sorts of demonic presences in her life. Andrew was casting everything that moved out (!) – and they vacated as commanded! – and then mum got saved. The physical visible change in her demeanour was amazing.
I had a dear man – 87 years old – with so many things wrong, from head to foot – but with a totally unwavering faith that God was going to heal him. God did – beginning with his head – chronic non-stop itching: body – osteoarthritis (I do manage to attract them!), what sounded a horrible thing to have, too – a fungal infection in his man bits(!) – not outside, but inside….and osteoarthritic knees. God healed all of them. I think it’s pretty safe to say that all the people Andrew, Adrian, and I prayed for were healed…. God s just so flipping amazing, he really is! Thanney and Davey stayed working on the new roof at Wilmar’s church – the fact it was completed Friday is itself a miracle: the church have been praying for that roof – or the provision for it, for 5 years, and Thanney, Davy, Adrian, and Andrew – starting from scratch, including buying the raw materials – had the whole structure completed in 4 days.
It effectively doubles the size of the size of their church sanctuary: enables them to hold informal meetings, run their cafe, and much more, in the newly covered area, which before had been covered (roof only, not the sides) with a tarpaulin, that blew off in any wind or rain storm here.
Thanney’s post on Facebook today:
- The promised photo of the finished roof and more importantly I was invited to their service this morning and they translated into English for me I felt so humble at the way they had treated me. I gave a bit of a talk and done some praying for them before I left. God is good and he has moved in so many different ways. God bless see you all very soon. Txx

That sounds like a church with a kilt, brilliant.