‘Today is the day of your miracle’ was, 9 years ago, the name of a church in La Sirena, a community (barrio) up in the mountains on the edge of Cali. There, 9 years ago, God did amazing miracles, including many cancers going: a young man with days to live, dying with AIDS, healed: and a lady who I thought was in a coma in a back room, raised up. She WASN’T in a coma, I discoveed, when going back to the church 3 years ago. She was dead. 6 years on, she was away from the village, staying with her sister in Bogota, and couldn’t, therefoe, be at the meeting 🙁 – . The young man with AIDS, 6 years on, couldn’t get the time off of work to come to the meeting…. 🙁 SO – last night, I was so hoping that I’d get to see both, get them both on video, talking about ‘that’ night, and the last 9 years…
All I could come away with was the confimation of the pastor that, indeed, those things happened: but that both, for differing reasons, are now in other locations, churches – the lady, I think, in Bogota….. at least I have Pastor Alcides confirmation!!
The church has also changed its name: it’s now Centro de Fe y Esperanza, La Sirena: Centre of Faith and Hope, La Sirena. Pastor Alcides is another, this week, to publicly honour this little old Englishman: it was lovely to hear some of the things of he said, God really does seem to be ‘affirming’ the last 20 years here…. under strict instructions from Alcides and Leidy, his wife, to be back at the church NEXT time, not 2 or 3 years away… confirming all the miracles from the past, getting trstimonies from last night as they happened….
It was wonderful to Hein Hoere translate for me: Hein and Teija have been friends since day one for me in Cali, so we go back nearly 21 years now. Hein’s a great preacher, teacher, musician, apostle, planting churches here, in Bolivia too…. and for me, it’s humbling to have someone who’s been a missionary here here, from Holland (Hein) and Finland (Teija) for more than 30 years, translate. The really are dear, dear friends.

Thanney’s sensitive Irish ears loved the worship at the church! The room was about 15 feet square, with 4 big P.A. speakers, and an amplifier red-lining all the time! – it was just like Africa! Hein, Wilmar (both worship leaders and lovely sensitive ones at that) and I got to pray for the worship leader later: 30 years ago, in a nightmare, just after she’d been saved, apparently a lovely soprano voice that she’d already started using for God, when a ‘giant’ in her nightmare gripped her by her throat and told her it’d destroy her voice…. she had polyps on her larynx, and where the damage was done, too, there was a large gap between her vocl chords. So God bless her for keep worshipping and praising: and after last night, God – completely restore her voice, in Jesus’ Name!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4DsRzLeL4Y&feature=youtu.be
Thanney had a lovely miracle with a man who’d got big prostate problems: couldn’t pee, it was very swollen and uncomfortable for him in every way, including sitting down. Thanney prayed: the man went away. Then, a while later, he was back. The discomfort had gone, the pain had gone, and he’d peed…. THAT’S significant…. a real miracle, that possibly was, or could have become, life-threatening….
Last night, a lady whose name is Visitation (when Wilmar told me her name, I though it was only because she’d come and sat next to me for prayer as a visitation!!)… chronic pain all down her left side, neck to foot, osteoarthritis, osteo-parosis, and the legacy of a broken arm. The osteoarthritis (it’s called osteoarthrosis here) especially bad in her left knee, but in her right, too. She was due in for surgery, either today or tomorrow. In seconds, literally, all the pain from her upper body went: moving her arm like a windmill: I put my hand on her knee, I think I prayed for about 15 seconds, and she was totally pain free…. up and marching around the church building, thanking God, testifying to the church through Alcides’ microphone….and here’s probably the first lady called Visitation you might ever have seen or heard…! –
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpVCFHV5gXg&feature=youtu.be
and this is Visitation sharing it with the Pastor, Alcides, and the church.
- https://www.youtube.com/upload
Lots more besides…. I won’t list too many, as it probably gets tedious to read about God’s wonders…. 🙁 – and while I won’t say how sad I am, not many people are reading the blog the last few days….and it does take (surprisingly) quite a long time for a tech-idiot like me to put it together….