It’s been a little while since the last blog, but perhaps with what is happening worldwide with Covid19, it’s understandable there are no ‘trip’ reports! In fact, with churches having been closed for 4 months, there are not any preaching engagements in the UK, so no testimonies about people healed or saved.
There has been time to read and pray – pray for the desperate situation so many nations are in including our own – and there HAVE been numerous opportunities to pray for people over the phone, or via Facebook Messenger/WhatsApp, and I try and take all of those if I can. It’s wonderful to see/hear about God healing through the media. I’ve preached a few times using zoom, so I’m not losing my touch completely (if I ever had ‘touch’!).
With all that is happening worldwide – Black lives matter, Covid19 rampant in the USA, South America, and even Victoria, Australia, there is so much to pray for. So many people I know are experiencing very real attack from Satan – physically, emotionally, financially – in fact most areas of life – we really do need to see the power and presence of the Trinity invading earth.
It’s been a real thrill to pray for a number of people either with COVID, or showing symptoms, and knowing God’s healed them. Praying for people ‘blind’ – not seeing them or having an arm around them – is more of a challenge, but God is no one’s debtor. I love being with people as I pray, but COVID has other ideas!
Among other things, God has healed various infections, osteoarthritis, a stroke victim, plus a number of others in process. I’m looking forward – if it’s possible to go by then – to be in Colombia at the end of October.
On a personal level, this year has been exceptionally tough, as the enemy’s attack has been relentless – as it has for the past 2-3 years, and – thinking about it – the last 20 years or so! In a way, it excites me because clearly he doesn’t like what God has in the future for me post-COVID.
Physically, it’s been difficult as I have steroid injections into my knees every 3-4 months (I’ve been advised not to have replacement surgery as I had the DVT in December and, 5 years ago, the pulmonary embolism and blood loss is too great a risk) but having had one in September, the next scheduled one was cancelled because of COVID, and I’m now waiting for an appointment with the doctor – so about a year on from the last one. Needless to say, my knees have been noticing the absence! I’m also waiting for an appointment for a steroid jab into my wrist as that’s exhibiting osteoarthritis too – I really need a God intervention! Seeing hundreds of pairs of knees healed does cause me to ‘enquire’ of God from time to time about mine…!
Fortunately, the wrist that is presenting problems is my right, and I’m left-handed, so it’s not as difficult as it might be! Nonetheless, it is very painful, so the quicker I can have some treatment the better…
I’ve been ‘threatened’ with a diagnosis – yet to be confirmed – that I have an aortic aneurysm, so the enemy has been working overtime on my body. I’m still believing that God will heal the whole lot, and while I’m waiting for that, I have every plan to get going again once countries open and airlines fly! It’s a bit of a problem getting to Colombia right now with the country closed and the airline still grounded.
It’s been perhaps the toughest year in other ways too: financially, Brexit and COVID have caused a substantial loss in support as people have justifiably (in some ways!) worried about the future, and two long-time supporters have passed away, and they were among my ‘mainstays’ in terms of amount. Throw into the mix the loss of all offerings from churches as there haven’t been any meetings since March, and it’s put immense stress on my finances.
I’ve been blessed by being able to be a lodger with friends in Welshpool – what I thought would be a month in an Airbnb (lethally expensive!) and a month with these friends, as I was praying that money pledged to me to get a house would arrive like last September. I can’t go into the reasons why it hasn’t arrived (though it will!) and maybe I’ll be able to explain one day! It’s a foundation in Australia helping me, and right now I’m thinking that God had a reason for stopping it in the summer last year, as he seems to be saying that, having been here a year it’s time to move on again. God always surprises me with where – when it was time to move in 2006 I wasn’t remotely thinking of the USA: when I returned from the States, Northern Ireland wasn’t on my radar but I ended up being there 9 years. Then I’d got a few places on my own radar for 2019 but God said – for a short time – Kent: and then, to my surprise, Welshpool! Until here, I’d always lived ‘on the edge’ of counties and countries, and it seems that the next move might well be ‘in the middle’ too – possibly Sheffield. I wasn’t expecting to move on, but the long delay in getting a home – which is pretty essential after a few years (it’s 37 years since I last had a house, so it’ll be a real ‘crash pad’.
My ‘stuff’ has been in storage in a garage for over a year now, so I’m not sure how that will be when it’s unloaded! I’m truly grateful for a place to have been able to stay for this length of time, but praying for the sake of my hosts, and me, that the enemy will be forced to get his chains off of the provision.
Money to live on is a different issue, and I’ll need to be massively in faith for paying the bills on a house when I move into one, as well – as always – the fares and costs of travelling to do what God has called me to do. There are many that think there’s going to be an increase in what I see God do, and what I do, so as well as provision, I need a fairly extensive healing blessing from God!
No one really knows what will happen to airfares once regular flying is available again, as so many airlines have have cut their fleets extensively. So I have many unknowns to budget for without being able to budget!
I’m longing to get back to being with people again to minister to them, I’ve missed it so much as I’m a people person and love people – and while media is a substitute of sorts during this unreal time in human history, Lord let me get back on the road.

Much love to you Paul, the pressures on many have been increasing and you have felt them more than many of us.
Bless you and thank you, Graham, reaching the end of the road with the enemy’s attacks increasing, I really can’t take anymore!