What do others say?
These are a selection of comments, testimonies, prophecies and endorsements from people all around the world.
Your posts are THE BEST , Paul Bennison, and I am SO blessed by your posts that encourage me – draw me closer to God, and I love the posts that give me a good laugh and chuckle for the day !! Am SO sorry that you’ve copped abuse by those who are meant to be ‘friends’ – that’s the worst 😢😢😢
You are awesome and such an inspirational man of God – never stop being you, am just so sorry about the haters – you don’t need that – never stop being YOU – YOU are Awesome- such a blessing to me and to SO many others Xxx 💖
K R, Melbourne, Australia
Your teachings and stories on the DTS where really highlights for me and have marked me for the supernatural. I thankful to you for playing this important role in my life! (YWAM School, 1996)
Robin van Ommen, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hi, my friend, you’re an amazing man of God! I’m remembering our first meeting when you were a very timely lifesaver back in the day, always willing to go the extra mile. I’m very encouraged with your posts and wanted to let you know how precious you are, son of God. Loads of love from Zambia
Chris Henderson, Kaniki/Lusaka, Zambia
You are a faithful servant of Christ. If the apostle Paul, who saw the risen Christ, who was taken to paradise and shown things he couldn’t speak of, if he could beg God to remove his thorn in the flesh then give space to your humanity.
I imagine that people don’t offer to pray for you because they see you as a mighty man of God and would feel intimidated to offer to pray for you. It would be a gift to those who love and respect you to be vulnerable and ask for help. Our scars are tattoos of triumph, not failure. If Christ chose to rise with His scars, why would we hide ours?
God tells His story in scars
Sheila Davina (Walsh), Dallas, Texas
I only met you twice and it has impacted my life and ministry to this day. So sorry to have not told you before. Be assured of my believing prayer for you my friend. (You would know I can identify with many of your described dilemmas)Thanks for your faithful serving of ‘the least of these’. Thanks for being willing to be vulnerable with us all. Those are Kingdom qualities. This allows so many you have blessed to rally round you and serve you, which I for one gladly do. Jesus suffered to serve us but resurrection came. Love you bro.
Dean Sherman, International World Leader, Youth with a Mission
A true brother. he’s the real deal
Krista Chapman, Minneapolis, United States
Paul has been a great friend for many years. I have seen him many times in action in Colombia preaching and praying for people and seeing many healed . He has also raised funds on many occasions to help support local ministries and foundations.
Hein & Teija Hoere, Apostles in Cali, Colombia, for more than 30 years, church planters, prophets, worship leaders: planting churches in Colombia, Bolvia, Chile, Curacao leaders of other ministries including children’s foundations in Cali.
Go for it Paul you are awesome God is always with you whether you feel it or not ,he has not invested in your life for nothing but for greater work.
I love you and always will
Kerstin Fowler, Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
On this man of God rests his anointing and the favor of God.
Sonia Borrero Trujillo, Cali, Colombia
Paul Bennison is a genuine servant of Jesus and of the Church. His gifts and experience are truly rare and he is a jewel in the Lord’s treasure pouch. I am continually humbled, blessed and challenged by his walk with Jesus.
Graham Coyle, Elder of Worcester City Church, and worldwide advisor on Christian Schools, and how to communicate Jesus in schools
Paul is a trusted, longtime friend, and what I love most about him is that He knows God’s heart and always builds my faith!
Charles Slagle: Charles is a prophet, jointly a prophetic Psalmist with his wife Paula, over many decades
Un hombre integro, honesto, comprometido con el Señor Jesucristo y su causa. Un hombre muy lleno del amor de Dios
An man of integrity, honest, committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and his cause. A man very full of God’s love
Enrique Leal, Founder & Director of Reconocer, an amazing drug-rehabilitation ministry in Cali, Colombia
A lovely Christian brother, an encouragement to the family of God
Graham Froud, Eastbourne, United Kingdom
You are an amazing, inspiring, mighty man of God …… Blessing to know you …. Keep at all you are doing for the King ….
Gordy Black, Pastor, Leader, Leader of Tribe of Judah Motor Cycle Ministry
I’ve learned so much over these past couple weeks about faith, thanks to our new friends Paul Bennison and Rob Hall, Truly going to miss having Paul around, Such an amazing adventure he shared with us, so blessed! Thanks, Paul and Rob You guys are truly inspirational! – I reckon you know when you know, that you know WHEN YOU KNOW, when you’ve met a true friend THE INSTANT YOU MEET THEM, – FRIENDS FOR LIFE FOR SURE!!!!!
Lachlan Inglis, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Kylie Inglis, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Friends it was a privilege to see all that the Lord did through you, thank you for blessing our city and nation, the Lord continue to use them powerfully and give them a blessed return home … and miss already guys … until July
Wilmar Gomez, Pastor, Mision El Abrigo Internacional, Cali, Colombia
Les extrañamos ya y les esperamos pronto está será y es su casa les amamos un fuerte abrazo Dios los bendiga y les respalde en cada lugar que sean lampara de Jesus por donde pasen que la unción del Señor los guíe ❤️??
We miss you already and we wait for you soon it will be and it is your house we love you a strong hug God bless and support you in every place that they are lamp of Jesus wherever they happen that the anointing of the Lord guides
Edwin Humberto Suarez Aguirre, Pastor, Cali, Colombia
Wow! Hot off the press! Glyn is going to Cali (Colombia) with friend Paul Bennison on 6th Nov for couple of weeks. If our friends don’t know who he is, check him out on the internet (read his blog!) and see why we are EXCITED!!!
Emma Moreton, Battle, England
Happy birthday. ” Man of God ” Stay steady more amazing glory coming your way in 2017. U have been found humble and faithful in many things, now God promotes u to more of every thing. The Kingdom of God flows through U. Psalm 18. is your birthday scripture esp. he will enlarge your place of habitation.
David Lamb, Pastor, Ashford Christian Fellowship, Kent
Paul Is amazing as time goes by, to be able to see everything realized, the experiences, people known, places and above all friends … for a Colombian and brother in Christ of the common, to know you 18 years ago ago without imagining that you would become In a person and model to follow, your heart, your passion for God and His Kingdom, but especially in a friend. Today I celebrate your life (with a black beer) and I thank God for your life, example, courage, passion, faith, compassion and love among others, for the man of blessing as your surname prophetically have, for your nation and the nations , Especially to Cali-Colombia that is your house, I want to pray about you what the apostle Paul in Colossians 1.3-14 You have blessed my life and that of my family in such a way that I feel grateful to our heavenly Father for sending you and allowing us to learn from you, well I know that you have always been surrounded by very important people, and in fact you have touched without exaggerating, I think And millions of people and those who will come … we love you my friend, my prayer is for your healing, peace and much provision for the years to come, that you no longer have to worry about the trips that come and of course your beautiful house in Cali , Besides that God provides you with a beautiful company … hahaha
You are a great man and servant of God Happy and Blessed Birthday Wilmar & Family…
Wilmar Gomez, Pastor, Mision El Abrigo Internacional, Cali, Colombia
(Colossians 1:3-14 Thanksgiving and Prayer
3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel 6 that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. 7 You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant,[a] who is a faithful minister of Christ on our[b] behalf, 8 and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.
9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[c] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[d] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
What can one say? The sheer nerve of the man!
Matron and I go out for a nice leisurely day after my full return to work. What could be nicer than to have a mooch around Alfriston before a great pub lunch and a short drive on to Seaford?
We find a car park near the Clinton Centre, where we plan to catch up with Paul Bennison for his 3pm meeting, stroll down for a quick look at the sea, then buy a baguette for the young man’s tea before going to the CC to wait for his arrival.
It was a great meeting and then comes the ministry time. Well, we thought, this will be good to watch – before we say our au revoirs and toddle off home for a quiet evening. Then he does it!
“Come on out and help me,” he says, casually. We were still there for the 7-30 meeting and finally got in our car at 11pm! Got to bed at 1-30am!
There is no point in saying what a privilege it is to minister alongside this man. He is genuinely too humble to acknowledge that. Should we even say how much fun and how exciting it is? If you have never done it yourself you would not understand. If you get anywhere near Paul you will be encouraged to find out, though (like the young couple he also persuaded to join him last night) and so you should.
That is Paul. He knows it is not all about him (but Him) and that’s how he operates. Yes, he has got a nerve. And we love him for it! God is so good!
Oh, and we met and ministered to some lovely people and it was a joy to see Father blessing so many.
Dennis & Cathy Acott, Maidstone
Paul, I’d heard about your teaching before you came, but it was better than the great things people said. I want to come with you somewhere one day! You’d be my Tony Campolo!
Steve, Youth with Mission DTS, Nuneaton
You are so inspiring. Someday soon I want God to have me do what you are doing. Let’s kick the darkness until it bleeds daylight!
Brian, Youth with a Mission DTS, Nuneaton
Thanks for the world of life you brought to us. God bless you and keep you with more of his life in abundance. Blessings.
DJ, YWAM, Nuneaton
Hi Paul thanku so much for your ministry today Dennis and I have been so encouraged. God richly bless u in all u do for him.
Dennis & June Bentley, Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Paul thank you for coming to still waters Elim this weekend, to hear what the Lord is doing and seeing God at work, was so precious and will be ever greatful for your love and passion of God you blessed me so so much, again thank you for the way you spoke and how you related the stories they seemed just like the parables of Jesus. Thank you again and no doubt I will be in touch with you again. Love you in the Lord Victor
Victor Mitchell, Still Waters Elim Church, Coleraine, Northern Ireland
Paul, you’re a modern day Smith Wigglesworth, brother! Praise God!
Boyd Dunleavy, London, Ontario, Canada
Hi Paul, your trips are all awesome because the holy Spirit shows up. We love it, don’t stop- be bold and take giant leaps in the Spirit. We love you for it
Anita Giovannoni, South African preacher & prophet
I know you don’t hold yourself on a pedestal and you are a ‘normal’ guy but I see you as wonderful and so in tune with our Father, and I wanted to write something else too but now I’ve forgotten! Luv Ya x 🙂
Margaret Fitzgerald, Maidstone, Kent
Thank you for coming back to Worcester, good to see you at City Church this morning! Great message, thank you for praying for us ( Val & David) you prayed for my back, I can put my socks on which I haven’t been able to do for months! Praise The Lord! Can’t wait for David to look at himself in the mirror & his sight restored in the morning! Will keep you updated. I’m praying for complete healing for your knees! Also for many signs. & wonders as you return to Mexico. May God richly Bless You. Many Blessings, Val
David & Val Roberts, Worcester, England
Hey Paul! God is blown me away this week, used me to heal people and lead people to himself! Last night our team got to worship with angels and the building shook. One of the team saw my angel too! Haha makes me think of you I believe so much of what happened here was from seeds planted from your stories. It enabled me to lead and pray this team to be bold and spirit led. Speechless about how God has moved and transformed, what an honor it is to be part of it! Thanks Paul that you gave me a kick in the bum in that direction!
Kylie Inglis, Melbourne, Australia
It was a pleasure to do this (ministry trip to Rouen, France) with my good friend Paul Bennison who is just the best at giving his ministry opportunities away to others. Get on a trip with him sometime… You may discover one the most amazing fun Kingdom door openers alive!!!
MarkHendley. Pastor, Supernatural School of Ministry, Old Testament expert
Paul, I thought a lot about you this week, memories of those influencers in my early years flooded in. Thank for for relentlessly and selflessly pouring out yourself into us in during our days in Tema (Ghana). You are possibly one of the key influential reasons why I chose a life in missions. You made missions so contagious and exciting, and for that I say THANK YOU! It will be great to catch up whenever you are anywhere near Harpenden or London.
Emmanuel Entee, Youth with a Mission student, Ghana (late 80’s?/early 90’s?), in full time mission ever since
Paul, has been a privilege to be with you friend, we know how much I have been blessed to be with the team and see the miracles and wonders, priceless … thank you for … God bless you continue making a blessing.
Pastor Wilmar Gomez, Mision El Abrigo Internacional, Cali, Colombia
You are the champion, mate! God bless you for your teaching and such cool stories this week. You are an inspiration and I hope to see you change more of the wrld.
Andrew, YWAM, Nuneaton
Paul – what can I say? Love you to bits and so love being here in Cali with you. It’s been the most amazing time and I feel so blessed. You always challenge and inspire me. Can’t wait for the next one! Make sure you come and see us before too long.
Loads of love,
Simon Allaby, Cali, Colombia trip November 2013
‘Wonderful day at St Andrew’s, Furnace Green with Paul Bennison, teaching and praying for healing’
Simon Allaby New Wine Sussex Co-ordinator, in conjunction with Fresh Streams Baptist Pastors Association
‘You really are an encourager: thank you, thank you, and God bless you. Love from us all at H.O.D. Community. Jesus is glorified through your ministry.’
House of the Open Door Community, Childswickham, Worcestershire, England.
I often think back to the King’s Lodge days when you taught the Dreams & Visions classes and how so many lives you have touched are now all over the world furthering the kingdom – it is so wonderful to realise (see how God has ) multiplied the seeds you sowed.
you are such a blessing Thank-you Paul
J J Brown former Youth With A Mission student
Paul is from the UK making his UK ministry headquarters in Bangor, NI… Paul is VERY FUNNY!!! and anointed…
Joan Hunter, of Joan Hunter & Hearts4Him ministries, daughter of Charles & Frances Hunter, the ‘Happy Hunters’
When a prophet, who doesn’t know you, has never spoken to you, prophesies some things so accurate, you tend to believe it was from God…. John has weighed this, as other pastors in Cali, Colombia have: and they (and I!) feel that the word from Rodney Nelson, from Tennessee, given to me on 22 July 2008, is right. If anyone who loves me feels it isn’t, or that it shouldn’t be here, then I’ll remove it…
You’ve seen the miracles, up until now God has been faithful, and from now on you know God is going to be faithful. When I met you first I joked, ‘Oh, you guys are apostles!’ God told me to tell you, before these people, that there is an apostolic anointing on both your lives, and it’s not just an anointing to start churches, or an anointing to travel to nations. God says many times in my word, I have validated the anointing, with signs and wonders, and the apostles and the prophets were validated through the signs and the wonders and the miracles. And God says you’re going to see the signs and the wonders and the miracles, not just in hospitals, not just in churches, but in streets, in airplanes, in trains, in cars. God says that the anointing that is on your life is something that I put there long ago.
Many men have not received it, some have rejected it, some who said ‘I will be with you’ were among the first ones that left you. They were the ones who put the knife in the back, and they began to turn the knife, because they thought you were different, you didn’t fit their mould. You didn’t go along with what they said. In the face of it your attitude was ‘I’m going to do it without you’ and they said ‘You can’t do it without us’… but up til now God has been faithful, and from now on God is going to be faithful.God says that step of faith you’re about to take, God says ‘Take it!’ I don’t know what it is, but there’s decisions you’ve been trying to make and you’re saying ‘God, is this you?’ and God says ‘It’s me!’ and you make that step of faith. You walk together and this ministry will explode, and God says ‘I’m giving you sons and daughters. I’m not just giving you a man to stand with you (put his hand on John’s shoulders), I’m giving you men and women who are going to stand with you, and I just saw something in the Spirit. I saw your hand, and I saw his (John’s) mouth, and God says I’m going to do two things to bring the miracles: I’m going to use your hands, and his mouth to explain what I just did. (Then Rodney prophesied over John for a few minutes).
God says that the dead is raised, and there’s more to come. I’ve let you see it, I’ve let you be part of it, but God says that the miracles I’m going to use you to do, they’re going to get to the point where they don’t surprise you anymore (I think that’s for all of us, because when somebody gets healed or there’s a totally huge miracle, we say ‘Hey God that’s awesome!). God says it’s going to become such a common place and your faith is going to be raised so much that your prayers are going to be shorter. You’re just going to say ‘Get up!’ and they’re going to walk, you’re going to say ‘see!’ and the blind will see, you’re going to say ‘hear!’ and their ears will be opened. And God’s going to get the glory because he sees a man, and he sees men (touching John) that are willing to give it all. You have lost a lot, you’ve given up a lot. You’ve lost money, you’ve lost relationships, you’ve lost time and years of your life, and God says what has been stolen from you and what has been lost , even the things that you don’t even recall that have been taken from you, I’m going to restore it, I’m going to restore it back. And those that were against you, there were never part of me. But I’m going to raise people up, they are going to see the things that you see, they are going to have your heart, they’re going to have your vision, and they’re going to walk, and look at you as a father, not as someone with this title of an apostle, but as a man with a fatherly anointing, and people will know that about you.
Father, I thank you for these men, I thank you for their willingness to sit and listen to another preacher, because Lord they know that they’ve been called, and I thank you for their humility. God I know this word is for them, and I would ask that you’d breathe on them fresh vision, fresh oil and fresh fire. You’ve been with them until now, you’re going to be with them from now on. God’s just starting, and he watch him build it.
Father, I thank you, God bless you, in the name of Jesus.
For over 25 years I have seen Paul grow into a man who has served his passion for the healing gospel of Christ throughout the world. He has unfettered enthusiasm for the Good News of the Kingdom, as it is demonstrated in a miracle-working God, and is very close to the unquestioning faith of a child, which God honours. I am happy to commend him to other church leaders.
Revd Eric Delve, formerly Vicar, St Luke’s Church, Maidstone, England: now, as in the 70’s & 80’s, an International Itinerant Evangelist/Teacher/Motivator, and Author
I heartily commend the ministry of Paul Bennison whom I believe to be called of God to rekindle our passion for Christ the Healer.
Revd Dr Russ Parker, Director, Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, International Itinerant Preacher, Teacher, and Author
I was with Paul for 5 weeks in Cali, Colombia where I witnessed first-hand the miracles you hear and read about. I went with an expectation of God doing the extraordinary and I was not in any way disappointed. On several occasions I saw Paul in a different light as one exercising his God given authority in speaking life over the people he prayed for. He spoke what they needed and many responded to that word by leaving the hospital healed.
Revd John Crowder, Restoration Christian Centre, Newport News, Virginia
At Grace (Fellowship, Williamsburg USA) we have been ministering for 9 months about the variety of gifts in the Body! You provided “Jesus with skin on” today and we are so grateful.
Jack Joyner, Grace Fellowship, Williamsburg, Virginia
I want to tell you about the overflowing excitement, the deep encouragement, and the happy sharing we’ve all exploded with after talking to you. God has been incredible, and you’ve been obedient. And that deserves a huge medal. And I just want to say thank you.
Anna Sanderson, YWAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina
You’re an inspiration – Redemptive Gift – Exhortation – Manifestation – Prophesy – Office – Pastor. Love you.
John Pressdee, Pastor, Green St. Green Baptist Church, Orpington, England; ‘Father’ of prayer-walking and reconciliation
As a Pastor you are looking for people who can minister to your congregation in the supernatural and yet possess the ability to relate to people on various levels of life, Paul Bennison is that individual. He has encouraged us to reach for greater things that lie ahead in the areas of healing, the prophetic, and worship. I highly recommend Paul’s ministry.
I had heard the stories for years from Paul, and wanted to see more of the supernatural manifest in the lives of individuals for myself. In the summer of 2006, I had an opportunity to accompany Paul to one of his favorite places, Cali, Colombia, South America. It was there I witnessed miracles you only hear about. In a hospital with poor conditions I saw a man who was paralyzed from the waist down unable to speak and having to be spoon fed in a matter of minutes sit up and declare God had healed him after we prayed for him. Paul spoke boldly to him that he would feel like running and in five minutes or so the man swung his legs over the side of the bed and started moving them back and forth shouting in Spanish. What came from this miracle was other patients heard his testimony, and in like manner their bodies responded to what they had seen and heard. The power of testimony produces faith for the miraculous! I would recommend Paul to come and share and testify of his exploits, and see for yourself the level of faith that is imparted through the power of testimony.
John Crowder, Restoration Christian Centre, Newport News, Virginia, USA
I have recently returned from a five week missions trip with Paul to Cali, Colombia where I witnessed first hand some of the miracles you hear and read about. For many years Paul would invite me to join him and see God do great things. Just hearing all the stories he came back with would make anyone hungry for more of the Lord. When someone begins to share with you what they have experienced you think that sounds wonderful, but could that happen for me. I went to Cali with an expectation of God doing the extraordinary and I was not in anyway disappointed. There was this sense of anything was available if you had the faith to believe for it. On several occasions I saw Paul in a different light as one exercising his God given authority in speaking life over the people he prayed for. He spoke what they needed and many responded to that word by leaving the hospital healed. On one occasion we prayed for a man who was paralyzed from the neck down and could only eat by his sister hand feeding him. We approached his bed with smiles on our faces as we spoke to his family. Paul with boldness prayed for the man to receive health to his body and spoke that he would run and not grow weary. I believed God could do this, I just didn’t know when and so much to my surprise something exciting did occur. We had entered the next ward to continue praying for the people, maybe five minutes had lapsed when we heard this screaming, laughing, and crying coming from the next ward. It was the man’s sister who was looking for us to come and see what God had done. As we entered the room there sitting on the side of the bed sat José, moving his arms and legs and speaking, tears flowing down his face. He began thanking the Lord and us for praying for his condition. They following week as we returned to pray for other people we were informed that Jose had walked away from the hospital.
Later word had spread to us that because of José’s healing, many others received healing. After the last visit to the hospital, some thirty men had called the local radio station testifying of the miracles they had received. I saw more miracles of this type than I have in all my years as a Pastor.
I left Colombia with these thoughts in mind, what happened there can and will happen wherever we are if only we expect them to occur.
John Crowder, Newport News, Virginia
All year Paul works tirelessly around the globe providing much needed support to our brothers and sisters without concern for his personal circumstances. Paul trusts completely that God will provide all he is meant to have. And indeed God does. How easy it would be for Paul to confine his journeys to the wealthier communities of the first world. However, the places Paul goes to are not the rich churches, not the wealthy neighbourhoods; he is a man who wants to be with the poor, from Colombia to Africa, from Singapore to Romania. Churches like the Church of the Nazarene, Los Naranjos, Casa de Dios , the Four Square Church, Popular, in Cali, Colombia and many others around the world, cannot pay Paul for his time, they have nothing to pay with, but yet Paul goes, at great expense, to spend time with and pray with the people there.
I have witnessed the conversions, witnessed the healings, witnessed the impact this kind man has on the people whose life he touches. Our Lord certainly works through him and in no uncertain way. Personally I have lost count of the number of conversions brought about by him in the name of the Saviour. I have been moved to tears watching the smile on a small child’s face when he takes their hand. I have been moved to see him in tears after spending a morning with some young Latino children dying of cancer. One of the most memorable days of my life was when I had lunch with Paul and he introduced me to a young girl called Johana. Paul had met her one year before in a local hospital, on her deathbed, just hours before her death, having been read the last rites by her priest. Paul prayed with her that first day for two hours and here we were, talking, eating and laughing with her one year later after she was healed by the love of our Lord Jesus. A living walking talking breathing testimony to the work Paul does in Jesus’ name.
Paul Silvester, Hove, England, who found faith in God on a mission trip to Colombia with Paul in 2002
I told ***** that you would meet them and also bring Paul Bennison. This may work out well as it could open a door to **** church in Canada for his ministry. He really is a great person. How amazing are the ways of God. Tonight I was specially ministered to by Paul B. What a wonderful servant….
Revd Kelvyn Adams, Bangor, Northern Ireland
Praise God for obedient servants. We are hearing of many other people that have been touched by God from your last visit, we’re all looking towards God for more miracles and blessing through your ministry when you come back to Northern Ireland.
Doug & Sheila Johnson, Bangor, Northern Ireland
You can count on us as always. It’s good to be part of your ministry. Regards and blessings.
Hendrik Hoere , Pastor & apostle, Cali, Colombia
I met you at my (YWAM) dts in Culiacan (Mexico) autumn 2001 where you were sharing wonderful & amazing stories of how God is STILL moving, and I just want to thank you so much for that week! Together with the rest of the dts it made a major difference in my life with God and I’m so thankful I also want to thank you for using your prophetic gift. If it hadn’t been for those words struggles during the past 10 years would have seemed so much bigger.
I pray God will continue to bless you, protect you and keep sharing His heart with you.
Sigrid Sandvik, Norway
Just wanted to say what an amazing job you’re doing. It is so encouraging to read your posts and I’m so blessed to have met you. I doubt very much you would but please don’t let any comments discourage you. It’s so easy to let unkind words affect you so just wanted to send a little encouragement your way.
Meagan Whiteway, Melbourne, Australia