In about 4 hours, I head for the airport, to fly to London tonight: then on tomorrow, with Thanney (who flies to London tomorrow) to the lovely Colombia, the wonderful Cali – at 10.40 p.m. tomorrow night. There’s a 6-hour time change – Colombia is behind the UK – so we land at the delightful time of 0405 am, then on to Cali at 0534 am. As the weather seems to have changed to autumn here(!), I must say it’ll be great to be at 35°C in the afternoons again! Davy flies out to join us next week.
I’ll do my best to blog most days – to let you know all about the construction progress, and to let you know the great things that God is going to do during our 24 days there. I’m grateful for those of you who will pray for us more than you’ll know. We really do covet your prayers, I’m grateful that there’s been some improvement in these torn muscles in my legs – an answer to prayer, in process, already!

For those who have given financially to the street kids refuge, thank you so, so much. The folk in Cali are totally blown away by your love and sacrifice. When you think how many very young children will be blessed by this building, it is SO worthwhile. AND, of course, on Sundays, there will be a new church functioning, in a churchless area.
Please pray for safe – and good – travelling (upgrades would be wonderful!) – it’s quite a long flight (10-11 hours London to Bogota), and neither Thanney or I sleep well on planes! The films get a bit boring after the second or third one…