A Cali Children’s hospital, a meeting loads of kids, many suffering from cancer, aids, and ricketts.
Paul with Apostles & Pastors Randy & Marcy McMillan, Community of Faith Church network & Mission South America, in Cali… and a rather beautiful McCall parrot!
Cali, from the statue of Cristo Rey (Christ the King) overlooking the city
Agua Blanca is one of Cali’s poorest districts: right in the heart of it is a wonderful Christian school, Camino Divino (The Divine Way): it is a ‘free’ school, has no resources, no material, no equipment, and frequently no food, but Jesus is there…Paul is here with the Director, Martha, and her daughter
Street outreach in Pisamos, Cali – a desperately poor district – with a lovely team from Bangor, Northern Ireland
Preaching at Communidad de Fey (Community of Faith) Church, Cali
Community of Faith church again …
Passionate or what…?
Randy & Marcy were amongst my earliest good friends in Cali. Saly, Randy went to be with Jesus a couple of years back: but not beforehe and Marcy had established a network of churches across a number of Latin American countries. Randy also loved parrotts, so a good friend, I’m sure, of Michael Palin…
Want to be sick in here? At least you’ll be safe from hitmen! Sign on the door of University Hospital, Cali