I’m about to write the sort of blog that I usually write from Colombia! It’s such a wonderful blessing and privilege to have been involved in two great churches today (though it’s tomorrow as I write!) here in this amazing metropolis. Both meetings ended up lasting some hours, because of the number of people responding for prayer for healing, I was picked up for the first at 9.30 am, and dropped off after the second at 11.30 pm, with a 90 minute ‘breather mid afternoon, when I’d hoped to write a blog, but fell asleep at the computer!
It’s been an amazing day, first, in Benny & Paty Osorio’s church, Mundo de Fe (World of Faith), in the Insurgentes/Barak district. Their church has grown since I was last here, and they have great new premises, too. I reckon 75% of the congregation (what do you call a church ‘audience’ these days, huh?) came for prayer, and I’d love to tell you I remember all the names, but I don’t…. At least three people with moderate to severe eye problems came – one, a man not known to Benny, unable to read even with glasses, and less than 20% vision – picked up the Bible from the seat next to him, and read it… the others testified to instant regeneration of sight, too…. countless people with pain – all parts of the body – testified to pain going: some saying that their hands, their feet, their head…was burning. A young lady with scoliosis felt real heat/burning in her back: I hope to get to see her later this week, as all her pain went, and it’d be great to know if SHE knows her spine is straight…
One lady with osteoarthritis – guess where? – knees(!) – the pain went immediately. Another, with problem metatarsals in her feet, causing bunions (yep, I know all about them, too! I used to laugh about bunions, but since my knee problems have changed the way I walk, I have the same problem, and it ain’t funny!! It’s exceedingly painful) – and causing her toes to start to move one on top of another: her right foot burned a lot, and all her pain went… More arthritics, pain went… yeah, and more knees… I’m sure more will come to me from this morning’s meeting!
This evening, Benny & I went to Daniel & Paty Ortiz’ church – ‘Luz a las Naciones’ – Light to the Nations, much further north in the city. The place was bunged, to use a lovely Irishism, packed to the doors. Halfway through the worship, the most incredible thunderstorm arrived in the north (we’d had it here, further south, when I was at home). I realised that I was getting wet – as did everyone else: and suddenly, it was pouring, indoors! Not a joke where cable microphones are involved, and the speed that the guys moved chairs into another room (which was even more bunged, as it was smaller!), and dismantled the P.A. system – and then put it back together, was amazing, and the service carried on with rainfall flooding the room we’d been in! Not quite as spectacular as one in Cali 5 years ago, when, during the fourth service of the day, or maybe it was the firth (hard to remember when the first one starts at such an ‘ungodly’ hour as 6 am!!), the whole ceiling over the stage came crashing to the floor under the weight of

hundreds of gallons of rainwater!

Daniel had many people go to him after receiving prayer, to tell him of their healing: he was overjoyed – ‘many, many people’ he said, testifying to God healing them. One dear lady, with arthritis in her head and shoulders, and in great pain, was healed almost before I could pray for her…. more knees, of course, were healed (mine are suffering a bit tonight, but hopefully, after being horizontal for a few hours, they’ll be better in the morning!). Again, names, even illnesses/diseases, slip away so fast as the volume of people to pray for increases…. the first lady up for prayer this evening, was a pastor’s wife from another church: she had gastric problems, if I recall correctly, and the pain went…. I then discovered that her husband has ‘booked’ me for Wednesday evening in his church, the only evening off while I’m here! Paty, Daniel’s wife, was healed of neck pain: and on and on it went… I’m gob-smacked at just WHAT God has done today, and, as always, in awe of the fact that he uses someone like me….
Thank you for your prayers – God answered them, and sustained this old Englishman for pretty much 14 hours of preaching and praying!