I wrote this wonderful story right near the end of the previous blog, and then thought it was so special it deserved a much higher ‘status’…. on our return from the lads’ weekend away, one of our little gang of 5, Drazan, asked if I could pray for a great mate of his, Larry, with leukaemia, prostate cancer, and a blood disorder caused by liver malfunction that meant he had the opposite of anaemia – an excess of iron in his blood.
He came with his lovely wife, Erica: guess they’re late 50’s. Spent quite some time chatting, as I didn’t know them, and, as you know from blog history, I like to ‘engage’ with people. Draz wanted me to tell them some stories, they’re ‘Christians in Waiting’ (a much nicer term than non-Christians!), and THEY wanted me to tell them more. Erica said she could listen to my stories for days. Robert and I had a lovely time praying for them BOTH, as cancer involves them both even though it was Larry the sufferer: guess we were with them about an hour.
Draz left with them, then phoned Robert later on, when we in another home to pray for them: Erica had burst into tears, and given her life to Jesus, Larry said that if he’s healed he’ll do exactly the same. I have always said that there is no greater miracle than salvation, someone moving instantly from death to life, darkness to light, so it was so wonderful of God, after all the healings and miracles we’ve seen in the past two weeks, to ‘top it off’ with a wonderful salvation on (almost) the last day.
I shall board the plane with a big smile this afternoon, upgrade or no upgrade (though it probably will be a slightly bigger smile if the upgrade is confirmed!).