Fantastic start ‘back to work’ for me this weekend – such a privilege to be involved in the great work of City Church, Worcester, and see God turn up…. Their school, The River School, was the start point: I had the privilege, again, of speaking to each of the four senior year groups, telling them stories of God’s wonder-working power, fielding some excellent questions from them, and then having them pray for each other of those who were unwell, or who had family members unwell. To see, in the last group, a bunch of 11-13 year olds, laying hands on the classmates, and praying for them, was immensely moving.
Saturday I was given a guided tour of Worcester’s very flooded city: many main roads closed through the city, and the county cricket ground, and adjoining rugby ground, under feet of water. The water was almost up to the crossbars of the rugby posts…. The afternoon was spent watching my adopted country Ireland thrash my dad’s homeland, Wales, at rugby, and then watching my homeland thrash another adopted country, in Edinburgh, was great!
The evening was brilliant: I spent a lovely few hours, over a fantastic curry, with my 35-year long mate Gary Gibbs. We haven’t really caught up for years, apart from about 20 minutes in Terminal 1 at Heathrow a few months back, when we bumped into each other. Gary’s an amazing guy: I always loved him to bits, still do, and it was just like carrying on a conversation where we left off, even though it was yonks ago…. and the Indian meal was even more memorable for sharing a ‘regular’ peshwari naan – which was about 18 inches long and a foot wide!!! We didn’t beat it, sadly: it beat us!
This morning, a terrific meeting, great worship, the presence of God very real: my bit we split into two so that the younger church members, and their leaders, could stay in to hear some of the miracles that have happened…..then some more worship, then me again. Knowing that the hall had to be vacated by 1 pm, I finished at 12, but the line of people wanting prayer was, well, very long! Here’s one story, from a lady named Val, who had a slipped disc on her spine, and in great pain, her husband David registered blind with macular degeneration:
- Thank you for coming back to Worcester, good to see you at City Church this morning! Great message, thank you for praying for us ( Val & David) you prayed for my back, I can put my socks on which I haven’t been able to do for months! Praise The Lord! Can’t wait for David to look at himself in the mirror & his sight restored in the morning! Will keep you updated. I’m praying for complete healing for your knees! Also for many signs. & wonders as you return to Mexico. May God richly Bless You. Many Blessings, val
A lady who was completely deaf in her left ear, with an appointment on Tuesday to be be ‘measured up’ for a hearing aid, heard… a man named Phil, who’d come to church with an asthma attack in progress (God bless him!!!! So many can’t go to church for a healing meeting ‘cos they’re not well!!) – he was healed whilst I was speaking, came up to tell me, and for confirmatory prayer… my belief is that that was his LAST attack, his faith making him well….
Others had pain go, which sounds so ‘little’ when you write it in a phrase like that, but as someone who has – and still does (for now!!) lived with pain at 10 on a 1-10 scale, that is a major blessing from the Lord. And when someone writes this sort of thing to you on Facebook, it is a very wonderful encouragement! –
- Jean Heath Paul thanku sooooooo much for this morning….wow !!!!! Come Lord Jesus…..soooooo excited about the rest of my life !!!!!!!! God bless u even more abundantly Paul xxxxxx
It’s funny, but after having those wonderful weeks at home, working all the ‘backed-up’ tiredness out of my system, when my lovely mate Alan came to take me to the airport on Thursday morning, I really didn’t want to go…. the rest had been so good, and the thought of ‘gearing up’ again was a tough mental choice! But I knew that, once at the airport, the desire to see God do stuff would begin to drive me, and so it’s been a great start!
So, now back in easy reach of Heathrow for a 1240 pm flight tomorrow to Mexico City: 11 hours 40 minutes non-stop, praying for an upgrade!!! Still, I’ll suffer for the Kingdom in 25C+ temperatures, whilst eating wonderful tacos and chilli…. I’ll be thinking of you all! Can’t wait to see Benny, Paty, Ceci, Pablo, and brand new Nicoleta, and Mimi, and Jois, too!