The picture alongside the post, of Alejandrina with me, will live in my memory for many, many years: it’s something very precious to hug and hold and talk to and laugh with someone who should have been dead 6 months ago…. so amazing, God, you’re just so awesomely amazing….
It was a tremendous day yesterday, though in respect of preaching I had the morning off in Beny and Paty’s church! – but that didn’t stop a good number of people c0ming up to me afterwards and asking for prayer!
Beny got one particular lady from last week to testify as to her healing: My ‘report’ on Luz Maria last week was this:
- Luz Maria, a lovely lady suffered from a problem that both bothered her ‘cosmetically’, but also caused pain in her back. One shoulder was considerably and visibly higher than the other, which of course, meant her back was out of alignment (ifI recall, she’d had a bad fall some time ago), so the ‘leg lengthening’ had its day today. I know, it isn’t the leg that grows (normally! – sometimes it is, like in India 22 years ago!). There were a few church folk around watching, Luz’s right leg was a good 2-3 cms shorter than the left. But only for a few moments more… funny thing is, it kept ‘growing’ on the palm of my hand, and was soon about a centimetre longer than the left, so that one had to ‘come
Luz Maria, with skeletal problems following an accident, one shoulder lower than the other: blown away as her back re-aligned and her leg grew 2-3 cmsdown’ too, which it did! A taller lady: why doesn’t that happen to me? I’d love to be taller! She was totally blown away as she felt movement inside her right leg. Her shoulders were level when she stood up
Here’s the link to her telling the story herself yesterday:
Rodrigo, a young boxer with a tumour in his shoulder, had this to say yesterday:
Others came up to me privately after the meeting just to hug me for what God did last Sunday – a bit of a privilege getting hugged for something you haven’t done!
Last night, I spoke in Danny & Paty Ortiz’s church, and it was ‘interesting’ how much of the healing at that meeting was emotional rather than physical. Fiorella once again wrote down all the names for me – and then disappeared off back to Cuernavaca at 5.30 am without giving them to me! One lady, whose policeman son is in jail on ‘trumped up’ kidnap charges, was absolutely desperate. The transformation in her face, which had been full of fear, pain, and hurt, was incredible.
There was a young guy, Giovanni, 19, who had been shot in 2012, and hospitalised for much of 2013: paralysed totally from the waist down as the bullet had passed through his lung and wrecked his spine, wheelchair-bound. His mum was there, too: both ‘Christians in waiting’ (!). Had a lovely time chatting to Giovanni, and asked him if he’d forgiven the shooter…. no, he hadn’t, he’d been far more concerned with revenge. I didn’t push the issue, but ‘suggested’ (quite strongly, maybe!) that he visualise the guy – though he’d been fully face-masked – and spoke out ‘ Lord, I forgive him’ – a pretty tough assignment, I knew that, but – he did it. I prayed for him, asking God to bless him, and begin to restore the very wasted-away lower part of his body. and give him feeling back.
Wow… he did! Not only feeling, in his right knee and foot, but movement that was not involuntary, and as our chat/prayer went on, he felt more and more sensation in his legs… I also suggested to him that God was on his case, and wanted to not only transform his body, but his life. Mum was weeping, I think we all were…. he didn’t make any commitment last night, but took a Bible away and promised to read Mark’s gospel, and I told him that I felt he’d wake this morning with more feeling than last night, and with muscle, flesh, and tissue beginning to return. His pastor, Danny, is with me in Cali in 6 weeks, and Giovanni and mum said they’d go to their church each Wednesday and Sunday… so I’ll see what news Danny has then!
I didn’t finish praying for people until 11.30 pm, though I’d finished speaking at about 9.15 pm, so a trip to the best taco restaurant in that area was very welcome. Gorgeous chilli pineapple salsa!! Veeery late night home though, but well worth it!