… and in the U.K, too, not some far off land where people ‘don’t have anything else OTHER than miracles and healing’ – I hope you can sense my tongue firmly in my cheek at that last phrase, because in a large majority of places, there IS access to medical care/hospitals. They might not be the sort of hospitals that we would want to be ill in, but that’s not the issue….
I was just minding my own business wandering around Tescos about an hour ago, and at the printer ink section (as you do!), was greeted by Andy Galbraith, who is the Assistant Minister at West Church, Bangor, the church I am part of when I’m home. He told me a wonderful story that he’d heard two ladies sharing: he mentioned the name of one, and I don’t know her too well, but she was telling the other that her ex-husband (I think! – I’m trying to chase down the facts already!) was at a Men’s Breakfast I spoke at recently in Holywood (no, not for Oscar Winners! – that’s Holywood with two ‘l’s!!), at Christian Fellowship Church. He’d got a large brain tumour, and, as the story was related from one lady to another, with a lot of excitement and awe, it seems that the tumour, after a scan a week of so after being prayed for, had shrunk by more than two-thirds, and the rest was disintegrating…. From what I was told, the Oncologist was somewhat gobsmacked…. 🙂
I’ll gather as much info as I can over the next few days, and write a more detailed account!