It only seems like 3 or 4 days since I got back from Mexico, but I must have missed a few days somewhere, because tomorrow morning, I’ll find myself sitting in an aeroplane again, albeit only to Heathrow…. but it begins a trip that I’ve had rising expectation for that God’s going to surprise us…..
At 3.30 pm the first meeting in Seaford kicks off, with what I know will be great worship, as Nicki Hardy is leading it. It’s always good to know who is going to be leading the worship, as sometimes it’s harder to follow than others! With the wonderful blessing of the healing of the brain tumour that I heard, and blogged for days about(!) this week, I’m so looking forward to seeing what God is going to do over the three meetings in Seaford.
And that, of course, will lay a lovely platform to springboard to Sweden from, though I’m told it’s cold and wet…. nothing new for people who live in Ireland! – but there are some great events arranged. A gentle, restful start in Kungsangen, with my great mate, Stojan, and his lovely wife Soila. Perhaps gentle and restful aren’t quite the right adjectives for either me OR Stojan, as we laugh a lot, share very similar humour, and similar tastes in sausages, beer, and saunas….
In Orebro, I’ll be with my great friends Vello and Ingalill Vaim. They have a church and run a ministry ‘Prophetic Forum’ – I’m always a extra nervous speaking when Vello’s there, as he’s an incredibly prophetic ‘seer’…. years ago, back in the mid ’80s, I met a wonderful cockney prophet/word of knowledge man, Johnny Barr. Johnny was a true cockney, an amazing man of God, though his words of knowledge rarely stretched to remembering your name! He could – and often did – tell you your life story without ever having met you before. When we first met, he told me, ‘over a cuppa tea, ma bruvver’, the date, the time, how old I was, when my dad died: what he died of, how old he was, that he was mis-diagnosed, what happened to others in my family with ‘blood problems’ – for about 15 minutes….. I wondered if I’d got my life story printed on my t-shirt! Every time I knew I was going to see him, I repented of everything I’d already repented of, and repented of stuff I hadn’t yet thought of doing, in case he got a word of knowledge…
Vello carries that same Godly authority, and his understanding and teaching of Scripture, and the prophetic, is awesome. So me getting up and doing my bit with Vello there, tends to set the butterflies off – though in the latter years, I’ve learned how to get them to fly in formation….
And then on to Boras, and many meetings/individual times with countless asylum seekers and some illegals….the ministry Bjorn and Maria have is incredible, and I’m excited to see some of the folk who were asylum seekers when I was last there, which I guess must have been about 4 years ago….
So, please Lord, deluge us with your presence over these next days – and surprise, even shock, us all….