Tuesday morning…. Ireland: Wednesday evening…. England: Thursday evening…. Cali – and what I know, what I feel in my spirit, is going to be another great trip. For Chris Spark, my great mate from Paignton, Devon – his third time there. What I love about Chris going with me, is that he’s a very spiritual bloke, he’s powerful in praying and prophecy, he’s a worshipper, and he’s great fun. I also love about him the fact that – as a Head of Maths at a large school (he must be mad – Maths??!!), by nature, his mind is logical, yet he’s 100% open to the ‘illogical’ acts of the Holy Spirit….
Beny Osorio and Danny Ortiz, from Mexico, are both Pastors, and so the ‘illogical’ (see above!) is part of their lives. Or is it? Benny is a top-trained lawyer, still practices some law alongside leading the church, with his lovely wife Paty, planted by his late dad, Enrique, who himself believed totally in the supernatural, yet he was such a highly qualified doctor /consultant/surgeon…. Beny’s a powerful preacher, and loves to pray for healing…. Danny, alongside being a Pastor, leading a church with his wife, also Patty (different spellings, I know, but it’s right!) runs his own business, and has degrees in Accounting and Administration.
Why I am telling you all this? Because so far, and with the others in this team, they all do ‘logical’ jobs, that could so easily ‘remove’ faith from the their spiritual dimension, but instead, it’s heightened their faith.
Gerard & Elisa Zeitjens, from Rouen, France – Gerard is a businessman, extremely practical, but well studied theologically. Elisa (beth), his lovely wife, is a nurse, as is Lydie, also from Rouen. It’s wonderful when medics get hold of not only the facts, diagnoses, and prognoses, but get hold of the Spirit, too. There’s something powerful about medics praying for supernatural healing!
And then there’s me….28+ years of seeing the impossible become possible, from a start in life that, for my first 6-7 years, was so fragile, and healed of celiac disease when I was 13 (it’s incurable, just manageable, and 50 years ago, there weren’t supermarkets full of gluten-free stuff like today): healed of it in an era when healing wasn’t on the church agenda, but ‘forgot’ to tell my mum to tell a friend’s mum that I wasn’t allowed stuff like sausage, beans, and chips…. for 6 weeks in a row! I’ve never had a problem since. And born with a ‘small spina-bifida of the neural arch’ – 1 mm away from being full-blown spina-bifida, but 18 years of really bad back aches. Then a lovely guy by the name of George Tarleton, came to our youth group, prayed for me, and the next x-ray showed the hole was gone….
So, all seven of us could be considered by others, to be disqualified from praying for healing, either because of training, or sickness….but all seven of us are going to see God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, over these next 3 weeks….
I’ll do my best to remember names(!) of people who are healed: I’ll get the guys to write down names and a disease, so that I can – hopefully! – raise your faith even higher, and claim Revelation 19:10, as your own – ‘The testimony of Jesus IS the spirit of prophecy’ – meaning when you hear of what Jesus IS doing, as well as what he DID, it becomes prophetic for you to claim for yourself….
And, for me, the best ‘God-breathed send off’ of all for this trip, came from my dear friend, Graham Coyle, who called me to tell me that his lovely wife, Ann, went to be with Jesus 4 days ago, with cancer: ‘Paul, have a great trip, and go to Cali and raise the dead’…. it’s payback time, Satan…..bless you, Graham.