A church I’ve been to many times, El Hogar de Oracion Rey Jesus, pastored by lovely friends Diego & Candy (pictured in the insert), was a lovely way to ‘launch’ the meetings here this visit. I was alone – no team yet! – and boy, could I have done with them! So, so many people to pray for after speaking – it took a good 2½ hours, back to back, no break, and wow, did God turn up or what….
Poor Hanny, the pastors’ daughter, must have been exhausted, as she’d translated in the meeting for me, then dozens and dozens of prayers, literally. So many were instantly healed, a lot with fairly major spinal issues – one scoliosis, a number with a osteoarthritis, a couple with osteoparosis – pain just going instantly, often years of it. At least three sets of knees were healed – all osteoarthritis (!!), another from a fairly bad football injury.
And a lovely lady, Eva, who I know from various visits there, had badly broken her ankle a long time ago, it was still mis-shaped, extremely painful to walk, and had a steel plate and pins in it….
She couldn’t raise her foot up towards her shin because of the steel plate: and stairs, particularly going down, were a painful process, I asked her, after a few minutes (3?) praying for her, to raise her foot…. she did. The look on her face was wonderful. Then I asked her to go over to some stairs, and walk up and down – which she did many times, no pain, the look on her face increasingly incredulous! The steel clearly had gone, as she couldn’t do what she’d just done with it in her shin/ankle…. Amazing God!
So many other things… a man, 30% hearing in one ear, 70% in the other, heard perfectly. A lady with permanently blurred vision had clear vision. A lady with similar symptoms to a stroke, though it wasn’t a stroke, couldn’t do much at all with the left hand side of her body, as was in constant pain with her left arm – it all went.
A lovely man, in much pain from polio, had much of his pain disappear: the rest I sensed was an ‘overnight supernatural surgery’ job by God…. it’s great, as we’re back in that church next week, so can get the testimonies, hopefully on video!
The day had been great, as the lovely Wilmar & Marlene Gomez took me out for lunch to Leños & Carbon, for my first wonderful steak of the trip… then after tonight’s meeting, Carlos and Hanny, Diego & Candy, took me to the gret pizza restaurant at the Intercontinental Hotel…. bang goes losing weight today! What a great evening… and so much more tomorrow, in churches that both told Pastor William that there were ‘many miracles here last time’….. I need my guys here….! The praying is wonderful, but totally exhausting!
And Diego, bless him, told me I’d looked slimmer – thank you! – and Candy said that I looked younger….so I’ll go back there as often as they want me!!!