Today, so far, has been a really lovely day – truth is, they all are here – and this morning, we all went to a Social Security hospital, the one we have been to earlier in the trip. The Director, Maria Helena, is a delight, a lovely Christian, and so thrilled that we want to go into her hospital and pray for people.

Today, we prayed for a good number of the staff, including one of Maria’s close assistants, Julie (pronounced Yuly, of course!). Last week, we prayed for her as she really

wanted to find ‘the’ man of her dreams, and that is exactly what God did for her in the past week! Perhaps I should start a page on the blog for ‘match-making’ or dating! A few of the other staff asked us to pray for them, and we had a precious time praying for each of them.
The first patient I prayed for, with Beny, was a lovely young lady, Lina: Lina has a 6 week old baby girl, Valerie, who was born 6 weeks early. Her pregnancy had been traumatic, and she was declare ‘high risk’ for her life, and the baby’s. Many times, doctor’s told her that termination was the only option, but bless her, she fought that and refused. Latterly, the baby got an infection when still in her womb, which Lina got, too. It has left her in extreme pain in her stomach and womb, and the ‘bump’ won’t go down, the docs think it could be a hernia. It was lovely praying with her, seeing the fear, trauma, anxiety, and pain, leave her… her stomach pain, when she arrived, was intense: when she left, it had gone…. what’s more, it appeared that the bump had gone down somewhat, too…..
An older lady, with a shopping list of illnesses, pain, and some serious infirmity, Margot, needed much more than the 10 minutes or so we could give her: she had intense pain in her whole body, epilepsy, and severe anxiety. You could see in her face all of those things: then peace, if nothing more, from the anxiety, just washed over her.

A number of other people came for prayer from the other guys with me, and then we had a lovely time praying for Maria Helena, who is the

Director (CEO) of a number of hospitals. Her business card has on it: ‘It’s my mission to serve’, and quotes Jeremiah 33:6. The atmosphere in her hospital – the one we’ve been into – bears witness to both: she’s a really lovely lady, with a massive passion for the poor. We prayed with her for quite some time, including prophetic prayers, and she was in tears – of joy, that God had ‘sent’ us there. We’re there again, tomorrow afternoon.
Lunch, then the ‘customary’ visit to ‘La Caleñita’, without doubt the best Colombian craft and gift shop in the city, for everyone to get their gifts to take home… I ought to be on ‘commission’ from that shop by now, goodness only knows how many people I’ve taken there!
This evening, high up into the mountains again, to a lovely church Pastored by Arsenio and Angela: it was a great time there in November, and my prayer is for an even greater time tonight….