I have written (almost) daily blogs up until 21 July, with lots of stories of miracles, healings, and salvation. It was around this time that I asked Carly, Grace, Pete, and Caroline to just write down a Christian name and the condition that – in the main – were instantly healed… or miracled…I have to get miracle into the dictionary, as it’s a lovely concise way of saying ‘healings, those who received a miracle…’!!
And these are just SOME – a sample, if you will, of what God did…. there are also a number of testimony videos, I’ll put them all here, but they are on YouTube, here:

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned the amazing testimony of Astrid, who didn’t come for prayer for healing this time I went to the church she attends, with Pete, but to say thank you, for her healing from terminal cancer, in April…the 7th time God has healed her of cancer through prayer… God’s just amazing… but I’d still love an answer to unanswered question – why are some healed – multiple times, like Astrid, and others not healed: some who have gone to be with Jesus, some who are fighting and praying, and being prayed for, who just don’t SEEM to be healed…? I guess we’ll only

know in Heaven, and then we won’t be bothered by the question at all!
I’ll start with Jonny, a young man (20’s) who is a BMX bike racer. He’d come off his bike, and totally smashed his ankle. Under anesthetic, the surgeon had blessed him with a steel plate, 8-10 cms long, and six steel screws to hold it in place. I was with Pete when we – rather, Pete – prayed for him, and much more than ever used to do, I ask people what they feel – could be heat, burning, pins and needles: always a good sign that God’s at work if they didn’t have those sensations before being prayed for….so I asked Jonny. He’d felt heat, so I asked him could he feel the plate and screws before he was prayed for. Yes, the screws especially, actually caused ‘bumps’ in his skin. Could he feel them now? Bearing in mind that they stood ‘proud’ from his ankle, it was a relatively easy ‘feel’ – but he just kept searching and searching for the screws, and the plate. The screws had gone, and his description was that the plate just felt like flesh… he was totally blown away, as was Pete, and even though I’ve experienced steel dissolving before, I’ll never (I pray, God) get ‘used’ to miracles, and I was a blessed as they were… it was a VERY loud church, but I did manage to get a video testimony from Jonny straight after his miracle. It’s here:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj-RHrzplkQ
The names won’t mean anything to you, of course, but it does give the healing or miracle a little more credibilty. So, Gloria was healed of arthrosis (osteoarthritis) in both knees (now, where have heard THAT before!!): Lorena had a ‘shopping list’ of illnesses – liver problems, high blood pressure, extreme pain in her bones, and her back was very painful – everything changed in an instant. Marisol had a skin condition, like acute eczema, which was visibly healed. Patricia was healed instantly from very painful gastritis, and asthma. Alba was healed of severe pain in her hips and legs. RoseAlba was healed – as in all pain gone! – of arthritis in her knees (!), hands, and many other joints in her body. Andres (at last a man!!) had been suffering from depression a long time, and it showed in his face, especially his eyes: he felt the whole weight of the ‘lost’ years lifted off him, and his eyes changed – another good sign that God’s done something significant!
Julian was healed of a heart condition (my non-medic guess would be tachicardia…

Rather than list endless names, which wil mean nothing to you, here’s a summary of what God did:
- Two people with long-term Parkinson’s disease were healed instantly as Carly prayed for them
- Countless healings of knees, especially osteoarthritis, but also torn ACLs, ripped cartilage, one man with major problems caused by surgery to put right a torn cartilage.. he was walking, kneeling, squatting, crawling…
- Hundreds of people with high blood pressure healed
- liver conditions healed
- one lady with a bad skin condition from birht, was heled on the spot
Carly, after two Parkinson’s victims had been healed (no, not really, just a fun picture of her!!) - countless gut and stomach issues, from a myriad gastritis, to colitis, IBS, and other colonic problems
- countless asthmas healed – people GO to church in the middle of an asthma attack so God can heal them, rather than miss church BECAUSE they have an attack…
- as always, a myriad back issues were healed
- hip and pelvic issues – gone, pain-free
- a lady with a permanently bent finger watched it straighten: and she could use her hand properly for the first time in many years
- depression lifting – visibly and tangibly
- countless eye problems healed – near blindness restored, cataracts, myopia (and a more extreme form of myopia the name of which escapes me at the moment!)
- teeth and gum issues healed
- other heart conditions resolved
- one lady – with face, throat, knee, finger, head, and ear issues was healed on the spot
- countless migraines – see asthma, above!!!
- a lay, Angelica, was healed of neuritis – 8 months ago when I prayed for her
- one man, with numbnes and acute pain from a stroke was healed
- anaemia
- countless diabetics – many who came to other meetings to say their blood sugar levels were completely normal
- hernias were healed
- abcesses went
- varicose veins healed
- ulcerated legs healed visibly
- lung conditions
- kidney issues
- pancreatic problems healed
- a lady with twisted ovaries, in muchpain, was healed
- ovarian abcesses went
- countless circulation problems healed
- deteriorating eyes and ears were healed
A different sort of miracle happened when Pete prayed for a lady, who through a business failure, owed her bank CO Pesos 24,000,000 (about £8000, US$12500, AUD13,500) – probably 4-5 years salary for average Colombians, only had 2,000,000. She offered it to the bank in settlement, which, as you’d expect of a bank, they declined… Pete prayed for one Sunday: Monday, the bank phoned her, to accept her 2,000,000. That’d be a miracle HERE in the UK: you need to know the culture a little to know how EXTREME a miracle that is in Latin America…
And, my lovely friend, Daniella, who was healed in November of acute flat feet, a terrible degenerating eye condition, and healed in the middle of an acute asthma attack, 13 years old then, 14 now, helped me pray for people in her own church again… the first 6 who came, she prayed for, and ALL were instantly healed… my own personal joy at seeing not only the guys I took with me, pray for miracles and healings on an unprecedented (for them) scale, but to see local young teens, praying for, and seeing God do, awesome miracles, is immense…
My lovely team went three times to ‘Reconocer’, the Christian drug rehab centre, run by my lovely long-time friend Enrique Leal. Some of the residents gave their lives to the Lord: others healed, and you really have to GO to Reconocer, to experience the tangible presence of God in that house – formerly owned and occupied by the Rodriguez brothers, the second largest cartel in history (after Pablo Eascobar). How’s that for a story of redemption…?
And – on a day at the river at Pance, Pete was baptised: a life-changing memorable event in his life….

And I can’t NOT mention my great friend, Dario, and his wife Erica: and their two lovely children, Michelle, and Joshua.. It was a great joy to see a lot of them this past trip. They are growing in faith in huge leaps and bounds, and I went on this past trip asking God to give me the opportunity of talking to them about God’s PROVISION and PROTECTION…. God’s good at answering prayers, as Dario – totally healed from his surgeries now – asked me questions about both subjects, and then asked for prayer for

the whole family for both… we had the delight of two visits to his ‘high in the mountains’ finca (country estate), with many people from his family there: all of them sick, or with physical issues. EVERY ONE OF THEM WAS HEALED…. near the end of the trip, Dario came off his motorbike, arrived at the apartment covered in nasty grazes (riding motorbikes there is like dicing with death: and most wear t-shirts and shorts… putting his gun on the coffee table, he happily let me clean up the wounds with Savlon, and put plasters on… it all just seemed so surreal! Even joking with him that one of the wounds was a bullet hole and the Savlon and a plaster wouldn’t help that….

Hos brother, sister-in-law, mum Lileana, and various other family members, were all healed by God. But what got me the most, is that the first English Dario has ‘mastered’ is… ‘I love you Paul. You are always in my heart’…. you can probably imagine what the both did – and meant – to me… He’s gradually withdrawing – it has to be gradual – from many of his ‘businesses’, and is learning more and more about God, it seems on a daily basis….