Well, it’s good to be back in the world’s loveliest city (to me – there are many ‘prettier’ and more grand, but none that touch Cali for ‘atmosphere!). After the horrors of the Germanwings plane crash, and what seem to be the ‘reasons’ for the crash, flying even Belfast – London, let alone London – Madrid, Madrid – Cali (11 hours across very little other than the Atlantic), it WAS a blessing to get here, even without an upgrade! To see the lovely, smiling faces of Pastors Wilmar and Marlene Gomez, just made it perfect.
Because of the ‘lung attack’ last August, this 9 months is the longest I’ve been away from Cali, or Colombia a a whole, for many years – it might be the longest gap ever. So though the old knees were objecting, there as NO way I wasn’t going to come! This morning, Chris arrived, about 0800, so it’s great to have a few days with him, he’s a great guy, and this is his 4th time here. We straight into meetings this evening, so no delay! – AND then…after the meeting, we’re going to the home of Dario and Erica, so to get to see Dario on day one is something EXTRA special. Chris hasn’t met him yet, so it’ll be great for them to get to know each other.
I arrived to stories of two miracles from July – one, a guy who had dreadful flat feet: he’s got arches since then (! – yes, Lord, please! – as the way I walk with the ‘diseased’ knees that I won’t take ownership of (the infirmity, that is!!) has flattened my feet). AND – a man who, years back had a terrible road traffic accident, and, among many other injuries, had damaged/severed his vocal chords. He had some gadget in his throat, which enabled him to make some attempt at talking, but mostly noises. Pastor Wilmar has seen him, got him on video (I’ll be seeing him later in the trip, so will video him too!) – as HE HAS SPOKEN since that day! Yeeeeaaaahhhh God!!!!!! Thank you, Lord! It’s so wonderful to arrive and hear of miracles straight off the plane: if faith needed raising (it doesn’t!) it rose then!
We’ve got a great programme already planned, and more will be added to it as the days go on…. tonight at (2200 UK time) if you’d hold Chris and me up in prayer, we’d appreciate it: we’re at a church high in the mountains to the south, with a pastor who opened up to us, in July, a very, very poor hospital, where Caroline, Carly, Grace, Peter, and I saw many miracles in July last year. We’re back to the hospital this time, but want to ask him to get us in there maybe 5-6 times during this trip. Carly, Grace, Peter, Caroline – pray for the same miracles as last time, ok??!!
Up and running (figuratively speaking! – though now I’m here, the knees feel easier this morning, thank you Lord!) – nothing’s gonna stop us now!