Last Sunday afternoon, theoretically our ‘last’ engagement in Cali (though in an earlier blog, ‘Right to the Wire’, that doesn’t mean it actually WAS our last engagement!!), intrepid Paul went ‘solo’ to Reconocer: Brian was unwell (ironic enemy attack on hat was ostensibly a ‘healing’ trip! – same goes for my knees which prevented me from going!). Generally we see just the residents going through the reahab programme, but as you’ll see in Paul’s report, I rather ‘dropped him in it’ unknowingly(!), and what would normally have been a 90 minute meeting, turned into well over 3 hours! As Paul (with me) had just got home from a 6 hour morning meeting, he was a saint, but God blesses saints when they stride into action, whatever, and however tired they are!
Spoke on being a new creation and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
The centred was packed with drug rehab residents and their families up to the back wall!
During the message some of the parents started weeping, while others had a look of shock on their faces. The Spirit of revelation was present!
After the message, an invitation to encounter God and receive more of the Spirit was given. The Spirit started to come on individuals, who were already weeping – mostly the parents! Some received the love of God, others peace, others joy! One mother said she felt like a Typhoon was around her! Many smiles from rehab residents.
An opportunity for testimonies was given and about 6-8 people came to the mic to shared what happened to them. People came forward for healing, not many, but they were all healed, including the Centre leader who had a 90% sight loss in one eye, now able to read what’s on the back wall! One young man came forward for prayer due to struggles with his relationship with God. He shared he once made oaths to Satan before he was a Christian. He was taken through a process of renouncing his past activity, etc. When the Holy Spirit was invited on him, there was a demonic manifestation that spoke saying “you can’t have him”. This was promptly told to be silent and leave, which it did after a short battle. The man was filled with peace and anxiety lifted. As the ministry continued with others, he became the more joyful as the meeting went on!
Some parents received prayer and also rehab residents still struggling with various things. The ‘new man’ message brought heart revelation to a number of them and freedom and joy was in the atmosphere. Many hugs and some photos.
In all a 2hr session and a great end to a wonderful week of seeing God heal and transform people.
You may recall the story of ‘Reconocer’ as being just about the ‘ultimate’ redemption of a property imaginable. For decades, the major ‘drug war’ in Colombia was between the Medellin cartel (Pablo Escobar) and the Cali cartel (the Rodriguez brothers). It was a mega-billion dollar war, and a mega-thousands loss of life. Escobar was killed in 1994 (I think), and finally the Rodriguez brothers were extradited to the USA about 7-8 years ago. ‘Reconocer’ was one of the main ‘inner city’ houses owned BY the Rodriguez brothers – a centre for cocaine, many other drugs, guns, ammunition – you name it. NOW – redeemed by the Lord, it is the centre for drug rehabilitation run by the wonderful Enrique Leal, such a dear friend, and incredible man of God. It’s a wonderful story.