So, in 30 minutes’ time, and my terrific team of Kerry McAvoy, Peter McAvoy, and Caroline Maridor, head into one of the ‘darkest’ areas here in Cali, to bring the light and love of Jesus to the sicarios… time seems to be going sooo slowly, so want to be there… believing for MANY MIRACLES tonight…. (P.S. If there re no more blogs or posts, you’ll know it might have gone pear shaped tonight 😉 !!! Only joking….
And also tomorrow, as we divide into two ‘teams’ of 2 (very ‘disciple-like!!). we#re in two churches I love dearly. Peter and I will be in ‘Dios con Nosotros’ (God with Us), in the barrio Valle de Lili, where many wonderful things have happened in the past… Caroline and Kerry will be with the church ‘Mana’, in the north, where wonderful things happened in April when Paul and I were there… we were praying for about 2½ hours then….
Then, in the afternoon/evening, at Reconocer, the drug rehab house, featured in an earlier blog…. great times just ahead….