It seemed endless this time! The journey home that is. Every time I travel back from Colombia, I leave even more of my heart in Cali. I’m a Brit, through and through, and I love living in Northern Ireland, I’m a European at heart BUT – I’m in a love affair! With a city, with a people, with what God does – more every time, it seems, than the last time – in a city and a region – Valle de Cauca – that to me, and my teams, is a region under an open heaven. I’m still ‘reeling’ to some degree after the amazing events of the last 3+ weeks: and even though, when I finally ‘hit’ my bed last night, at about 2am, I slept for 15-16 hours. I don’t think I’ve EVER done that before…
My knees shouted a cry of relief when I got them horizontal, and shouted even louder when, in that 15+ hours, I made them get up and go to the loo! I’m still waiting (8pm Saturday) for my luggage to come home – that’s a pain, as when I arrive home, I’m one of those who likes to unpack straight away before I can relax totally. So, I’m hoping my bags will be back tonight – that’s what Lufthansa have promised, but my last leg of the journey with them was so ‘unpleasant’, that I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t!
I need a few days to unwind, and really take ‘stock’ of the amazing things that happened in Cali and Tulua, before writing any summary of the trip. All I know is that another ‘piece’ of me is in Colombia that wasn’t there a month ago, and, truly, I can’t wait for the end of October, and the next visit there. Meantime, I have to get my head – and heart – back to living at home, and, in Romania (to be arranged), Sweden (tbc), England (will happen, depends on the previous two!!), and France, as I always want to give ‘all’ of me everywhere I go….
My luggage has just arrived, so I’d better get working on it!