This morning (evening, of course, in Melbourne) I had a message from Svetlana to say that someone had visited them, and given Sergey a ‘tincture’, without asking if he could actually take it….it produced extreme nausea, and he felt ‘very unwell’ – so you can imagine, poor Svetlana was in a panic. I told her to pray over him, suggesting how to pray, commanding the effects/impact/nausea to leave Sergey’s body instantly: they pretty much did, so a real answer to prayer for her…
My friend Troy went to see them last night: he and his wife are cooking and taking food in for them, and has enlisted the help of friends from his church to do the same. It’s wonderful when the body of Christ pulls together for each other, isn’t it? Troy also said that, though Sergey was tired, he is doing ok, and is still wonderfully positive. Troy’s words were ‘quite remarkable’.
I’m sure that YOUR prayers, if you’re one of the many I know who are praying for Sergey, are being answered: and that it’s definitely God’s plan to keep Sergey alive! It also seems his plan to build them into mighty faith warriors: I have a sneaky feeling that Satan’s going to regret what he started in Sergey back in February, big time…!!!
Please pray that this tincture (sounds like something my grandparents would have concocted!!) will not have any effect on dear Sergey, and that, if it WAS something the enemy planned for harm, that God will amazingly turn it for good, and that the acceleration will now be towards total healing for that lovely family. Thank you so much for taking my friends ‘on board’ by praying for them.