Nancy’s post just a few minutes ago:
Tonight we need your prayer – Ray has not felt good today – he has not eaten since breakfast time. He woke with catarrh in his throat. The doctor came this afternoon to check if it had gone into his chest. He said his chest was clear but then went on to talk about ‘the end’. It was not easy for Ray and I was not there at the time. Afterwards Ray felt so weak and so down. He said he needed serious prayer. I then asked people to pray through our contacts on FB and masses of people have started to pray for Ray. I had to give him some oral morphine to help as he started to feel sore in his tummy too. He hasn’t eaten anything more and of course that makes him weak. His bowels still haven’t moved either. So…we need serious prayer! We have known since the beginning that one touch from the King changes everything – so we continue to trust in the King. The doctors don’t have any answers – but Jesus does. His track record with ill people is incredible. Our faith is in him – he doesn’t ask us to understand everything but he does ask us to trust. We are putting our faith and trust in him. Ray is weak and I am exhausted – Aidan is struggling too…Daniel is so far away – but we all love each other and love God. Thanks for praying – one thing to pray for tonight – that God reaches down from Heaven and touches Ray – just one touch changes everything! Thank you everyone – you are all amazing – we are so humbled that everyone is praying so much for us. Thank you!