When the enemy steps up the assault, I think it’s safe to say that he’s pretty worried by what’s up ahead! So often, prior to,or immediately after, a trip to Cali, people going with me – including me! – come under various forms of attack. For me, the enemy’s pretty predictable – long-time readers of the blog will know that 6 times in 2 years (2014-15) I had my credit card ‘compromised’ (that’s such a lame word for ‘stolen from’, isn’t it?) – from a zero balance (which is how I have to try and keep it!) to maxxed out to its limit.
That hasn’t happened this time – but this morning, I was checking my bank account online (not something I do too often as it’s quite depressing usually!) and saw a direct debit to British Telecom for £55…… I don’t have anything with BT, so it was a bit of a surprise, to say the least. Then I saw it was in the list of direct debits on my account….checking back, it’s been taken for many months, often in excess of £55. Calling BT, I discovered that the BT account number is the mobile phone of a Mrs Lisa Williams! I WILL get the money back, as there are indemnities with direct debits, but it’s just the timing – 3 days before leaving for Cali…..and it’s a good few hundred pounds 🙁 !
Lee and Katie are also under pressure – if you’re praying for us, please pray that the other 4 men avoid the enemy’s assault – and for al of us, while we’re there, for the families at home, and when we get home. We’d really appreciate it!