Wow…a few stressful days leading up to this trip to Colombia…even more stressful hours waiting for Amazon to deliver the only suitcase we could find that was big enough to bring some of the tools and equipment Thanney needs here. It LITERALLY arrived as I was about to walk out of the door of my lovely friends Keith & Margi’s home, to go Heathrow Airport yesterday. About 3 minutes to spare! With machinery to cut steel, and loads of other stuff, we checked in about 200 kgs of luggage: I was hoping Avianca, the Colombian airline, would wave it through, as it was going to help street kids in their country, but… no, they charged us £185, plus having to have one of the boxes wrapped in plastic, on one of those machines that are quite clever (another £12)….
On our way to security, I discovered that I’d been given a boarding pass for New Delhi (!!) – I’m not sure the connection, or the 10.5 hour time difference between Cali and New Delhi would have enabled me to catch the domestic flight to Cali….I’ve never been to Delhi, and want to go, but not when I’m pumped up to be going to Colombia!
The lovely Wilmar Gomez was at Cali airport this morning (actually, it’s in a city called Palmira!), with his incredible smile, hugs, and kiss on the cheek… and so to our new home for three weeks, in the south of the city, a district/barrio named Ciudad Jardin (Garden City). It’s a nice area, a nice apartment (except on morning one we wake and the shower doesn’t work – reminiscent of October!!). Work begins in earnest for Thanney today, with preparation/acquisition of materials for bginning the work on the kid’s foundation. I’m glad I’ve got a relatively quiet day again to give that certain part of my anatomy a bit more time to recover from a hectic few days before coming here, and the 20+ hour journey!
It’s wonderful to back in ‘Open Heaven City’, and waiting to see what God’s going to do. I’ll be blogging (as best I can) every day, and hopefully doing more videoing of testimonies from people who’ve been ‘miracled’ or healed. I have got a few testimony videos from past visits – I mentioned to Thanney last night that I’m sad at the number of people who’ve looked at thestimony videos on my YouTube channel, and he said he didn’t know I had one – then it occurred to me that maybe hardly anyone did! It’s at:
There are some wonderful stories there – worth a few minutes of your time!! Wilmar told me yesterday that one of the churches I was last at 2 years ago, there are many wonderful testimonies from: that’s a lovely way to start! – and I’m hoping this time that two people I prayed for 8 years ago are at the their church (a different one to that one!) this time – two years ago they didn’t know I was going back to it, and subsequently couldn’t be at the meetimg to – in their words – say ‘thank you’ to God (and me, though I only prayed!!) – one, a young man dying with AIDS (a few days to live, maximum), who I just hugged, to be honest, and didn’t pray a great deal: his boss wouldn’t let him have the time off of work to come to the meeting. The other, a lady in a back room, laying on a door (yes, really!), who I thought was in a coma. When I left her, nothing had happened. She wasn’t in a coma. She was dead. She couldn’t be at the meeting 2 years ago to say thank you, either, six years on, as she was visiting her sister in Bogota, 500+ kms away….
It’s just great to be here again – visit number 78 or 79 this one… heading towards being a Cali Octagenarian! I wonder if I get a telegram from the President when I reach 100….?

No, I didn’t know you had a YouTube channel either but I’m now registered and will let the CCW folks know.