Busy day today. The whole programme is now like this, apart from Easter Monday, until the last of us leaves on Monday afternoon, 13th April. This morning we went to a top hospital, to pray for the very sick mum of a lovely friend, Maria Helene Bagui. I’ll be honest and say that my flipping knees were so bad I almost considered not going, but I refuse to give in, and met Maria Helene outside. Then we tried to get in… 🙁 . Colombia is the only only place I’ve ever seen a sign on the door with a gun on it, and a diagonal line through it (no guns!) – there wasn’t one here – but there’s ALWAYS obstreperous guards on the door of all hospitals, who are utterly unreasonable. Maria Helene, who is a medic (she was director of a Social Security Hospital when I first met her). She tried ‘these men have come from England to pray for my mum’ but it didn’t work…. so they let one + translator in. Even if my knees had been ok, I’d have wanted Chris to go, as I always want the guys I take with me to have every opportunity to see God move.
It meant I could stay in the car, so God was gracious to me! Turns out they have about five sets of stairs to climb, so I’d made the right decision :). Maria’s mum felt a great measure of healing: other people got prayed for, some feeling distinctly better, and Chris was thrilled to have had the opportunity.
Lunch with Pastors Wilmar and Hendrik, and lovely Carlos Escobar, sorted out the money ‘blockage’ that had occurred for dear Ana Beiba’s abandoned old people’s ministry. It was great to spend time with three really wonderful guys – well, four, counting Chris!
This evening, we were in a church called ‘Discipulos de Jesus’ – pretty translatable into English! – fabulous Pastor and wife, Christian and Carolina. Lovely worship, Chris spoke really well. The pastor spoke about miracles that happened last time I was there: it was fantastic to hear. A little boy, Alejandro, with no arches in his feet, got them. A young man, Diego, who’d had a dreadful motorbike crash – not wearing a helmet – had been healed…. he lost the top of his skull in the crash, and a considerable number of brain cells, and wrecked his neck and throat. Doctors said he’d never recover, never breathe normally, never speak again, never eat again except through a tube. He had a gadget in is throat to help with some sounds. Having prayed for him, I’d heard no more, until now. I’m waiting to receive a video of him giving his testimony: he breathes, he speaks, he eats, he’s perfectly normal….what an amazing God! I want to try and meet up with him before I go home. I videoed the pastor telling the stories – including a prophetic word that this time next year (now!) they’d be in a much bigger building as they’d have grown such a lot. They are….
Here’s the pastor, telling some of the stories that occurred a year ago during my team;s visit:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6kLi2vU2m0&feature=youtu.be
I think you can hear the translation well enough… hope so!
After Chris had spoken, then the tsunami of people for prayer (almost) overwhelmed us. Fortunately we had two guys, Wilmar and Johan, who could translate, so we were able to split up, but

Wilmar reckons we payed for 50 at least…. 2¾ hours of praying is utterly exhausting. BUT – first up, for Wilmar and me, was a lovely young mum, Carolina, and her beautiful daughter, Sabina, 3 years old, who had been born with chronically flat feet. As soon as I started to pray, I had my hand on her foot and it began to move, and in seconds the arch was there, both feet. Mum’s face was utter astonishment and amazement…
Next came a dear man, Guillermo, in terrible pain from – you might guess! – severe arthritic knees (!!), arthritis in his back, pelvis, legs, and hips. He sat and agreed with every word of the prayer, and then I asked him to walk… first time was a bit shaky (I know that feeling), second time was good, third time was perfectly normal! Thank you Father, thank you… takes my faith for my healing of the same problem to a new level. His smile was as wide as the channel tunnel….
Others with pain issues were healed, more arthritic knees, arthritis in other people, a lady whose face suddenly became paralysed 20 days ago, had a large patch over her right eye as the paralysis had left her right eye swollen, unable to close it,and with damage to the tear ducts. The patch was to soak up the tears. Prayed briefly, she said she felt very warm, and I asked her if she’d be willing to remove the patch. She did: blinked, closed her eye, and it was dry. A lady with ovarian/womb pain, failed surgery, had all her pain go.
An older lady, Ana, riddled with arthritis, troubled even to walk a metre from her chair to the one we had for her. I LOVE praying for arthritis: it feels like I poke Satan in the eyes and kick him hard where it hurts most every time when someone is healed. Ana sat there for a moment, I asked how she felt, tingling and hot she replied, AND THE PAIN IS GONE. From her whole body. Then she walked, perfectly, no limp, no delay, perfectly, back and forwards a couple of times. She was blown away….
What an awesome God…