Last Sunday, a doctor made the pronouncement that Sergey only had a few days left to live… implied in that was ‘midweek’… I know first hand, as I was there when she delivered the prognosis. Well, Sergey is standing up, talking, fighting, believing – a week later. Humanly, he should not be here. In the Kingdom, though, ‘humanly’ doesn’t figure, unless we choose it to, and unless we walk in the ‘truth’ of prognosis, which will ulitmately be self-fulfilling
My lovely mate Troy went to visit him, Svetlana, and Mary, on Saturday, and is of the same belief as the family and me – that this is NOT Sergey’s farewell, but the miracle unfolding. I’m thrilled that Troy’s church will be praying for him, and the family: and hopefully helping in some practical ways, too…. Troy and I hooked up for about 30 minutes last Saturday, for the first time in 13 years: one of those connections that there was like no ‘gap’ in our time together. Troy was – and is – one of the best worship leaders I’ve knows in all my years of hearing thousands: we met at Youth with a Mission, Perth, Western Australia, when I used to regularly go and speak there.
The difference it’s made to have a ‘human’ visit Sergey, Svetlana, and Mary, is immense. Thank you, Lindsay Barrass, and thank you Troy Webster: it has raised the spirits of a fighting family, and been the platform for the marked improvement in Sergey. I felt last week that we’d have to get to the ‘end’ of medicine: even to the day – and past it – of the medic’s prediction of Sergey’s removal to heaven (!!), so that NO-ONE could claim anything concerning Sergey’s miracle. Today, Svetlana posted this on my facebook timeline:
- Svetlana Mironova I just had an electricity back in my house (power cut earlier) and here to write – we had a beautiful day today! Sergey had a walk to the nearest park two times! He tried to eat some clear fluid food and it worked well – he was not vomiting! He looked much brighter than yesterday and had no temperature during the day! The leak is still there and it`s the major problem along with the cancer but he`s been feeling better overall today – and we were thanking God so much for the beautiful day given!! And we keep praying asking God to heal Sergey`s body completely – THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE for praying with us!!!!! Thank you Troy for coming to see and pray for Sergey at the Peter MacCallum (Cancer Centre) this afternoon – Sergey looked so happy after that!

It’s incredible how much I feel ‘part’ of this family, having only met them in June, for a short time, and then for four days last week…. I’m believing that I’ll be spending some wonderful time with the Mironovs when I’m next back in Melbourne….
The corner has been turned, I believe: but there’s still a way to go, unless now, God deigns to grant the instant miracle for the remainder of Sergey’s healing ….Please keep praying!!